The Ancient Monad - more about monads
A Treatise on the Ancient Monad
Why 144?
It is the number of the fully awakened.
Traditionally card packs are 52. Tarot packs have a structure which must be aligned into our psychic structure. The number of petals on the chakras is 51. And the corresponding number structure for the Earth is 93, a very important number. It is the number of the Spirit of the Earth. The 51 (chakra petals) and the 93 form the 144 (a human with global angel consciousness). 144 is also the number of the 12 strand DNA (12 x 12) whose enlivening allows us to awaken to our full potential as humans on Earth.
What are the angel fragments?
Once there was a star in the heavens. It shattered into 144 parts. They fell to Earth. You are that star and they are your fragments. (see chapter called Angel Consciousness part 3) An angel rules over every fragment: keeps an eye on it so to speak: informs us when the fragment needs to be attended to. Thus there arises the 144 fragments and the 144 angels.
Why the double diamond?
The 144 fragments are parts of us we are not conscious of. We do not know they exist. In order for us to become whole, we have to seek out each of the 144 aspects in the Angelic Realm, and invite them back in and evolve them lovingly. These each have three levels of incarnation; universal, extra-terrestrial (galactic), planetary.
Universal - angelic, spiritual aspects; the unformed
Galactic - extra-terrestrial beings with differences and distortions of time and space, and feeling; altered states; the malformed
Planetary - spirit guides, these have defined light forms
The corresponding completion of wholeness is in:
cosmic Christ consciousness
mystical Christ consciousness
Solar Christ consciousness
And the body of the Earth itself also has three levels of Christ consciousness as well, in its atmospheric envelope, in its core, and in its deep core. These are ether consciousness, core consciousness and deep core consciousness. The cores are seen clairvoyantly as golden diamond matrices of light, living responsive informational structures.
Thus there are the poles of Christ Consciousness: the Universal and the Deep Core.
The elements above and the elements below: 144 of each. These are the two diamonds, double diamond. Together they form the monad.
What are the elements and the energies?
The elements are like the Houses in astrology, the divisions of the sky. The energies are like the planets moving through them.
The energies are like the winds blowing through the leaves. The elements are like the different trees that they blow through.
The elements are like the beaches and the energies like the waves and currents of the ocean.
The elements are fixed and the energies move between them.
Where do the Ascended Masters fit in?
The ascended masters teach and guide us into alignment with the Monad which is the sum total of our heavenly divine self on Earth. They operate in the planetary incarnational level. They have forms and lead us into a mystical union with Christ consciousness.
Where do the star essences fit in?
They form the 144 at the galactic level, the 2nd incarnational stage. They allow the evolving of the parts and fragments operating in that field and the release of the latent gifts and their unfoldment. There are secrets and mysteries here too.
What is the relationship of the 144 and the Source?
The 144 angels are one with the Source yet they are not the Source. They are rays radiating out and the angels carry in the rays, and show in form the nature of the rays.
This is also the origin of the word, Sorcerers. Beings of light emitting from the source and taking their power from that origin.
How did you first find out about the 144?
In 1991 I was having a bath (on one day not the whole year). Two Aboriginal spirits entered the room. They were pleasant but powerful. One, who I recognised as the Aboriginal incarnation of Raphael, identified himself and said, "My name is Black Cockatoo. There are 144 elements and 144 energies", and then proceeded to download into my consciousness the names of them in aboriginal. I had no idea of the meaning of them or possibility of remembering them. The experience really formed the root of the monadic system as I came to an understanding of the magnitude of what had been conveyed to me.
How else can it be used?
The 144 form a complete set. They are simply and profoundly involved with our lives right from the beginning.
At conception
The 144 seeds (elements) are present in the diamond of the angel body or light body.
The spirit of new life carrying the 144 energies then impacts for the first time attracted by the explosion in the fusion of egg and sperm. This fusion forms the One-cell that will form the physical, inherited, ancestral vehicle for the maintenance of life. The living essences, the body of formative forces prepare for descent into the physical and begin the communication. These are powerful beings of light and love, and formidable.
So one by one in their natural cycle they touch into the developing embryo. They ignite the next spark. They leave an imprint for the next developing stage. It reminds me of a leaf skeleton which fills out to form the leaf.
So over a 12 month period the whole 144 energies have entered and imprinted their will according to the ability of the developing body to receive it. Thus in each 60 hour period the formative forces realign and reorganise themselves. The imprinting itself may take less than a minute. It is not much different than taking a photograph.
What is this idea implying about its use?
Sometimes the imprinting is not complete, for example in times of trauma. This is why it is important for a mother-to-be to have a receptive mode, to be open to the incoming influences. The use of drugs restricts receptivity and imprinting during this period. It also restricts the ability to sense the ecstacy and joy of this process.
As well, the angel body (with the 144 elements) for most of us remains dormant. After it is awakened it too must grow and then it is subject one by one to these same 144 forces as well as having to align and anchor in to the present body at the same stage of its development. This is why we will have memories of that time as they are being modified by the influence of the developing angel body. They are still here as intrinsic memories from our growth steps.
We can use the 144, one at a time to aid the evolving of the body to include the angel body.
It can be a 12 month process. Every 2 or 3 days we choose the next card in order, beginning from #1 conception, with the intent of evolving the angel body. We can do its dance or work with it in an appropriate way - just looking at it is not really appropriate.
over 12 months you will have evolved the full complement of all the angels. You will have absorbed their essences into your being. You will have evolved the Monad. This can be a very powerful procedure.
Even more so if you are carrying your baby at this time. It will make an amazing connection and you can grow as your baby grows.
What if the heavenly forces are not able to enter?
Each time they enter for imprinting it may or may not have the force to overcome the body consciousness to leave a clear imprint for the forming forces to follow. In this case the body may add its own interpretation, a darkness enters, a force that is not from the soul. At some time this will need to be overcome and transcended or even ascended.
This becomes the work of education and play in later times: education for the soul, to save the soul.
How does all this appear in other shaman philosophies?
According to the Kahunas from Hawaii, there are 3 Worlds. The upper world, the middle and the lower. in the upper there are the angels, In the middle human activity and in the lower the animals and the spirit world. Normal shaman processes take you down into the lower world for meeting with the totem spirits where we journey and interact and bring back the treasures we have found there. The same for the upper world, the angel shaman takes you there, you journey and learn. In the middle world we have our living teachers.
The Chinese have the idea of Heaven, Earth and Human in between.
Heaven has an urge towards Earth and Earth has an urge towards Heaven. Human helps in between and gains the benefit of both.
When you look at some of the signatures they look like the parts of the body?
Yes, the 144 have been absorbed into the physical structures that they created and so the structures take up the patterning from the signature.
How does the 144 elements relate to the Western idea of the 4 elements and the Chinese idea of 5 elements?
You need to look at the various systems of correspondences. The 4 elements were fire, earth, air and water. This formed the basis of early Western alchemy, which means to say spiritual transformation by awareness of physical transformational processes. This alchemy formed the basis for present day chemistry as one stream on the one hand and psychology (especially Jungian) on the other hand.
The Chinese added a 5th element which was the field in which the other 4 operated. For example, the 4 seasons have as their field Earth, with their elements being Fire for summer, Metal for autumn (because of its dryness), Water for winter and Wood for spring (new growth).
What of Science's 93 chemical elements?
This is an interesting coincidence. Originally the scientists who developed the Mendeleev system had this 144 system in mind as an archetype. That is why there is a prediction of 144 chemical elements and they are searching the Universe for others.
What exactly is the monad?
It is the doorway that leads to the Christ Consciousness. It leads via angels.
Speak to us more of ancestral healing and the conception?
All of the inherited structures are laid down at the time of conception. The 'sins' of the parents can be transmitted for 6 or 7 generations. The being is choosing its life lessons and how they are going to manifest through her in her life. She is writing her own passage. She is making the ends meet. And her success depends on how accurately she can align these forces to accept the life impulse.
The 144 are present at the conception.
Why 144?
It is the number of the fully awakened.
Traditionally card packs are 52. Tarot packs have a structure which must be aligned into our psychic structure. The number of petals on the chakras is 51. And the corresponding number structure for the Earth is 93, a very important number. It is the number of the Spirit of the Earth. The 51 (chakra petals) and the 93 form the 144 (a human with global angel consciousness). 144 is also the number of the 12 strand DNA (12 x 12) whose enlivening allows us to awaken to our full potential as humans on Earth.
What are the angel fragments?
Once there was a star in the heavens. It shattered into 144 parts. They fell to Earth. You are that star and they are your fragments. (see chapter called Angel Consciousness part 3) An angel rules over every fragment: keeps an eye on it so to speak: informs us when the fragment needs to be attended to. Thus there arises the 144 fragments and the 144 angels.
Why the double diamond?
The 144 fragments are parts of us we are not conscious of. We do not know they exist. In order for us to become whole, we have to seek out each of the 144 aspects in the Angelic Realm, and invite them back in and evolve them lovingly. These each have three levels of incarnation; universal, extra-terrestrial (galactic), planetary.
Universal - angelic, spiritual aspects; the unformed
Galactic - extra-terrestrial beings with differences and distortions of time and space, and feeling; altered states; the malformed
Planetary - spirit guides, these have defined light forms
The corresponding completion of wholeness is in:
cosmic Christ consciousness
mystical Christ consciousness
Solar Christ consciousness
And the body of the Earth itself also has three levels of Christ consciousness as well, in its atmospheric envelope, in its core, and in its deep core. These are ether consciousness, core consciousness and deep core consciousness. The cores are seen clairvoyantly as golden diamond matrices of light, living responsive informational structures.
Thus there are the poles of Christ Consciousness: the Universal and the Deep Core.
The elements above and the elements below: 144 of each. These are the two diamonds, double diamond. Together they form the monad.
What are the elements and the energies?
The elements are like the Houses in astrology, the divisions of the sky. The energies are like the planets moving through them.
The energies are like the winds blowing through the leaves. The elements are like the different trees that they blow through.
The elements are like the beaches and the energies like the waves and currents of the ocean.
The elements are fixed and the energies move between them.
Where do the Ascended Masters fit in?
The ascended masters teach and guide us into alignment with the Monad which is the sum total of our heavenly divine self on Earth. They operate in the planetary incarnational level. They have forms and lead us into a mystical union with Christ consciousness.
Where do the star essences fit in?
They form the 144 at the galactic level, the 2nd incarnational stage. They allow the evolving of the parts and fragments operating in that field and the release of the latent gifts and their unfoldment. There are secrets and mysteries here too.
What is the relationship of the 144 and the Source?
The 144 angels are one with the Source yet they are not the Source. They are rays radiating out and the angels carry in the rays, and show in form the nature of the rays.
This is also the origin of the word, Sorcerers. Beings of light emitting from the source and taking their power from that origin.
How did you first find out about the 144?
In 1991 I was having a bath (on one day not the whole year). Two Aboriginal spirits entered the room. They were pleasant but powerful. One, who I recognised as the Aboriginal incarnation of Raphael, identified himself and said, "My name is Black Cockatoo. There are 144 elements and 144 energies", and then proceeded to download into my consciousness the names of them in aboriginal. I had no idea of the meaning of them or possibility of remembering them. The experience really formed the root of the monadic system as I came to an understanding of the magnitude of what had been conveyed to me.
How else can it be used?
The 144 form a complete set. They are simply and profoundly involved with our lives right from the beginning.
At conception
The 144 seeds (elements) are present in the diamond of the angel body or light body.
The spirit of new life carrying the 144 energies then impacts for the first time attracted by the explosion in the fusion of egg and sperm. This fusion forms the One-cell that will form the physical, inherited, ancestral vehicle for the maintenance of life. The living essences, the body of formative forces prepare for descent into the physical and begin the communication. These are powerful beings of light and love, and formidable.
So one by one in their natural cycle they touch into the developing embryo. They ignite the next spark. They leave an imprint for the next developing stage. It reminds me of a leaf skeleton which fills out to form the leaf.
So over a 12 month period the whole 144 energies have entered and imprinted their will according to the ability of the developing body to receive it. Thus in each 60 hour period the formative forces realign and reorganise themselves. The imprinting itself may take less than a minute. It is not much different than taking a photograph.
What is this idea implying about its use?
Sometimes the imprinting is not complete, for example in times of trauma. This is why it is important for a mother-to-be to have a receptive mode, to be open to the incoming influences. The use of drugs restricts receptivity and imprinting during this period. It also restricts the ability to sense the ecstacy and joy of this process.
As well, the angel body (with the 144 elements) for most of us remains dormant. After it is awakened it too must grow and then it is subject one by one to these same 144 forces as well as having to align and anchor in to the present body at the same stage of its development. This is why we will have memories of that time as they are being modified by the influence of the developing angel body. They are still here as intrinsic memories from our growth steps.
We can use the 144, one at a time to aid the evolving of the body to include the angel body.
It can be a 12 month process. Every 2 or 3 days we choose the next card in order, beginning from #1 conception, with the intent of evolving the angel body. We can do its dance or work with it in an appropriate way - just looking at it is not really appropriate.
over 12 months you will have evolved the full complement of all the angels. You will have absorbed their essences into your being. You will have evolved the Monad. This can be a very powerful procedure.
Even more so if you are carrying your baby at this time. It will make an amazing connection and you can grow as your baby grows.
What if the heavenly forces are not able to enter?
Each time they enter for imprinting it may or may not have the force to overcome the body consciousness to leave a clear imprint for the forming forces to follow. In this case the body may add its own interpretation, a darkness enters, a force that is not from the soul. At some time this will need to be overcome and transcended or even ascended.
This becomes the work of education and play in later times: education for the soul, to save the soul.
How does all this appear in other shaman philosophies?
According to the Kahunas from Hawaii, there are 3 Worlds. The upper world, the middle and the lower. in the upper there are the angels, In the middle human activity and in the lower the animals and the spirit world. Normal shaman processes take you down into the lower world for meeting with the totem spirits where we journey and interact and bring back the treasures we have found there. The same for the upper world, the angel shaman takes you there, you journey and learn. In the middle world we have our living teachers.
The Chinese have the idea of Heaven, Earth and Human in between.
Heaven has an urge towards Earth and Earth has an urge towards Heaven. Human helps in between and gains the benefit of both.
When you look at some of the signatures they look like the parts of the body?
Yes, the 144 have been absorbed into the physical structures that they created and so the structures take up the patterning from the signature.
How does the 144 elements relate to the Western idea of the 4 elements and the Chinese idea of 5 elements?
You need to look at the various systems of correspondences. The 4 elements were fire, earth, air and water. This formed the basis of early Western alchemy, which means to say spiritual transformation by awareness of physical transformational processes. This alchemy formed the basis for present day chemistry as one stream on the one hand and psychology (especially Jungian) on the other hand.
The Chinese added a 5th element which was the field in which the other 4 operated. For example, the 4 seasons have as their field Earth, with their elements being Fire for summer, Metal for autumn (because of its dryness), Water for winter and Wood for spring (new growth).
What of Science's 93 chemical elements?
This is an interesting coincidence. Originally the scientists who developed the Mendeleev system had this 144 system in mind as an archetype. That is why there is a prediction of 144 chemical elements and they are searching the Universe for others.
What exactly is the monad?
It is the doorway that leads to the Christ Consciousness. It leads via angels.
Speak to us more of ancestral healing and the conception?
All of the inherited structures are laid down at the time of conception. The 'sins' of the parents can be transmitted for 6 or 7 generations. The being is choosing its life lessons and how they are going to manifest through her in her life. She is writing her own passage. She is making the ends meet. And her success depends on how accurately she can align these forces to accept the life impulse.
The 144 are present at the conception.
At 9:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
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